Clipboard with pencil checking boxes.

Submitting this form does not mean a permit has been approved. You will be contacted by the Osseo Police Department.

By submitting this form the applicant understands that, in case such permit is granted, that all traffic laws of the state and all traffic ordinances of the city shall apply to a motorized cart as the same would apply to a motor vehicle. Carts shall only be operated on a designated street, alley, or roadway normally used for travel by a motor vehicle; however, a motorized cart shall no be operated on CSAH 81, County Road 30 (7th ST), Jefferson Highway, or Central Avenue. Central Avenue may be crossed at Third Street when allowed by the semaphore. A motorized cart shall not be operated on any sidewalk or pedestrian walkway except to cross the same. A valid permit shall be affixed to or displayed up on the motorized cart at all times

Golf Cart Permit Application
Used to contact you in case of problem with payment
First and Last
Street, City, State, Zip Code
Make, Model, Model Year
Insurance Company, Policy Number, Expiration Date
Payment method
Payment Details
Payment amount
Credit Card Service Fee: (Credit Card) 3.00% (of subtotal)

Office Hours are Monday through Thursday, from 7:30 am to 5pm, and Fridays from 7:30am to 11:30am.

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